codemind 네이버블로그 페이스북 유튜브

Into the Source,

Through top-notched SW analysis technology,
enjoy technology becoming magic.

Into the Source,

Through top-notched SW analysis technology,
enjoy technology becoming magic.

Into the Source,

Through top-notched SW analysis technology,
enjoy technology becoming magic.

Beginning of safe software development,


Information on provided services

Testing service

Codemind removes the business risk caused by software flaws by looking deeply into the code, the source of software.

Source code diagnosis White box testing

Security service

Codemind provides a consulting methodology that applies a modular method for each task and various services to enhance the level of information protection.

Security Consulting Security control Malicious email training


It is a new type of maintenance service that supports all infrastructures under one single contract to support efficient and stable IT operation of the company.

Integrated maintenance


Check out the latest news from Codemind.

Customers with Code Mind

Numerous customers are working with Codemind.

삼성 롯데정보통신 금융감독원
코레일 네이버 현대기아자동차
DB손해보험 KDB산업은행 현대모비스
대우정보시스템 LH KOTRA
한국수출입은행 경찰청 LIG넥스원
드림시큐리티 코오롱베니트 지방자치인재개발원
농심데이타시스템 유진그룹 행정안전부
국토교통과학기술진흥원 ETRI 법무부
경기도 유진 IT서비스 질병관리청
한국저작권위원회 헌법재판소 국토교통부
건강보험심사평가원 전라남도교육연구정보원 환경부
출입국외국인정책본부 한국농어촌공사 해양수산부
식품안전정보원 사이버사령관 국가보훈처
한국마사회 국방과학연구소 국방부

We will be responsible for
software safety and security while putting
the highest priority on customer value
